Vana Zervanos is the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and External Affairs at the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University. She earned a BA degree in psychology from Dickinson College; a Master’s degree in counseling psychology from the University of Connecticut; an MBA in international marketing from Saint Joseph’s University and earned an Ed.D. in Higher Education Management from the University of Pennsylvania. She is an Alumni Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education/Netter Center in Democratic Engagement. Dr. Zervanos serves on the board of Middle Atlantic Associate of Colleges of Business Administration and is a member of the RME Affinity Group for AACSB, the international accreditation body for business schools. Zervanos oversees the The Pedro Arrupe Center for Business Ethics and is the Co-Director and co-founder of The Dean’s Leadership Program, an intercollegiate leadership program which is values-based, reflective, and biased toward serving others.