Science Center 418
Usha Rao is a recipient of the Association for Women in Science’s Zenith Award, which honors lifetime leadership and achievement. She has also received the Distinguished Research Lectureship from the Association for Women Geoscientists, and the Elizabeth Bingham Mentoring Award from the Philadelphia chapter of AWIS. She frequently writes and speaks on water chemistry, higher ed, and leadership for US and international organizations. Her work has appeared in media outlets such as FOX29, CBS Philadelphia, WOGL Radio, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the New York Times.
Dr. Rao's STEM teaching has been recognized with the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Medal for Distinguished University Teaching. She has also received three merit awards for "exceptional achievement in teaching" at Saint Joseph's University and was named a Most Valuable Professor (MVP) by the SJU women's basketball team.
At Saint Joseph's, Dr. Rao co-developed the John P. McNulty Program for Leadership in Science and Mathematics, an initiative that has supported over 130 emerging leaders since its inception in 2009. She also established the University’s first faculty development office, offering resources and mentoring to hundreds of faculty members, and serving as its Founding Director. Dr. Rao’s board service includes the Ardmore Library of the Lower Merion Library System and the Frances M. Maguire Art Museum at the Barnes Foundation in Lower Merion.
- PhD, University of Rochester
- Environmental Research Council Post-doctoral Fellow, Northwestern University
Dr. Rao’s research focuses on water chemistry and treatment. She is a coordinating editor for Springer-Nature's Environmental Geochemistry and Health, the journal of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health. Her research at SJU has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, the Lindback Foundation, Purdue University’s PRIME particle accelerator laboratory, the Michael J. Morris Grant Program, and the Saint Joseph’s University Board on Faculty Development and Research. She is currently accepting inqueries from graduate students.
Publications, Books, and Book Chapters
Students indicated by *
Reynolds, M., Rao, U., Pogash*, S., Saul*, A., Barr*, G., Ortiz de Montellano*, E., Falgie*, B., Stefanic*, I., Barry*, D. The role of horse hemoglobin and horse heart myoglobin as green catalysts in the bioremediation of four classes of industrial textile dyes. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 2024, 43(1), 71-83.
Rao, U., Saul*, A. From the Green Revolution to the Green Chemistry Revolution: In Pursuit of a Paradigm Shift in Agricultural Sustainability. In: Go Green for Environmental Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Theory and Applications; X. Savarimuthu, U. Rao, M. Reynolds, Eds.; CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2021, pp. 47-66.
Savarimuthu, X., Rao, U., and Reynolds, M. (eds.) Go Green for Environmental Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Theory and Applications. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2021, 276 pp.
Rao, U., Corabi, J., Porth, S. Cura personalis in Higher Education (invited paper), Journal of Jesuit Business Education, 2021, 12(1), 70-79.
Rao, U., Muramatsu, Y., Sherman*, J., Frunzi*, M.N., Swatksoski*, S.J., Hammons*, A.L., Eisele*, I., Brame*, N., Troutman*, A., Kruge, M., Mukhopadhyay, P.K. An investigation of 129I from Regional Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing in the Terrestrial Sediments of Lake Ontario, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2020, 476, 52-58.
Rao, U., Eisele*, I., Hammons*, A., Muramatsu, Y., Marvin, C., Kruge, M., Mukhopadhyay, P.K. Evaluating the Sediments of the Great Lakes as a Long-Term Sink for 129I Released during the Nuclear Activities of the 1960’s and 1970’s. Applied Geochemistry special issue AIG-6, Eds. Novak and Bindler, 2008, 23(10).
Rao. U., Hollocher, K., Sherman*, J., Eisele*, I., Frunzi*, M.N., Swatkoski*, S.J., Hammons*, A.L. The use of 36Cl and Chloride/Bromide Ratios in Discerning Salinity Sources and Fluid Mixing Patterns: A Case Study at Saratoga Springs. Chemical Geology, 2005, 222, 94-111.
Rao, U., Muramatsu, Y., Kruge, M., Elmore, D. Incorporation of I-129 from Nuclear Sources into Lacustrine Sedimentary Organic Matter: a Case Study in the Great Lakes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005, 69, A713.
Snyder, G.T., Fehn, U., Muramatsu, Y., Sultana, M.S., Moran, J.E., Rao, U. Factors Influencing the Global Distribution of Iodine-129 in the Environment: A Look at the Iodine Cycle in Surface Reservoirs, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004, 68, A491.
Rao, U., Fehn, U., Muramatsu, Y., McNeil*, H., Sharma, P., Elmore, D. Tracing the History of Nuclear Releases: Determination of 129I in Tree Rings, Environmental Science and Technology, 2002, 36, 1271-1275.
Rao, U. and Fehn, U. Sources, Reservoirs, and Transport Pathways of Anthropogenic 129I in Western New York, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1999, 63, 1927-1938.
Rao, U. and Fehn, U. The Distribution of 129I around West Valley, An Inactive Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facility in Western New York, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 1997, B123, 361-366.
Rao, U., Fehn, U., Teng, R.T.D., Goff, F. Sources of Chloride in Hydrothermal Fluids from the Valles Caldera, New Mexico: A 36Cl Study. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 1996, 72, 59-70.
Rao, U., Fehn, U., Teng, R.T.D., Goff, F. (invited chapter) Application of 36Cl to the Tracing of Hydrothermal Fluids in the Valles Caldera System. In: F. Goff, B. S. Kues, M.A. Rogers, L. D. McFadden, J. N. Gardner [eds.]; Jemez Mountains Region, New Mexico Geological Society, University of New Mexico Press and Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1996, pp. 463-468.
Rao, U. and Fehn, U. Application of Anthropogenic 129I as a Tracer of Nuclear Emissions: a Study around Potential Point Sources at a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant and two Nuclear Power Plants in Upstate New York, Radiocarbon, 1996, 38(1), 102-103.
Moran, J., Santschi, P., Schink, D., Oktay, S., Fehn, U., and Rao, U. Surface 129Iodine/127Iodine Ratios: Marine vs. Terrestrial, Radiocarbon, 1996, 38(1), 88-89.
Rao, U., Teng, R., Fehn, U. Chemical Preparation of Environmental Water and Biological Samples for the detection of anthropogenic 129I by AMS, Radiocarbon, 1996, 38(1), 103-104.
Moran, J.E., Teng, R.T.D., Rao, U., Fehn, U. Detection of Iodide in Geologic Samples for Environmental Applications. Journal of Ion Chromatography A, 1995, 706, 215-220.
Fehn, U.; Moran, J.E.; Teng, R.T.D.; Rao, U. Dating and Tracing of Crustal Fluids using 129I and 36Cl: Results from Geothermal Fluids, Oilfield Brines and Formation Waters, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 1994, B92, 380-384.
Fehn, U., Rao, U., Moran, J.E. and Teng, R. Detection of 129I in Environmental Samples associated with the Nuclear Facility at West Valley, NY. U.S. Geological Survey 1107, 1994, 96.
Conference Papers and Posters
Falgie*, B., Reynolds, M., Rao, U. The Exploration of New Green Catalysts: Biodegradation of Anthraquinone Dyes Using Heme Proteins Encapsulated in ZiF-8 MOFs, submitted, 34th Sigma Xi Annual Regional Conference, Saint Joseph’s University, November 22, 2024.
Falgie*, B., Lawrence*, C., Zaballero*, K., Rao, U., Reynolds, M. Exploring the Biocatalytic Decolorization of Industrial Textile Dyes with Heme Proteins, accepted, American Chemical Society Spring Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, March, 2025.
Barr*, G., Reynolds, M., Rao, U. The Degradation of Four Key Industrial Dyes with Heme Proteins and Hydrogen Peroxide, Sigma Xi Regional Conference, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, April 21, 2023.
Ortiz de Montellano, E.*, Barr*, G., Stefanic*, I., Falgie*, B., Reynolds, M., Rao, U. Decolorization of Industrial Textile Anthraquinone Dyes with Hydrogen Peroxide Using Horse Hemoglobin and Horse Heart Myoglobin as Green Catalysts, Sigma Xi Regional Conference, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, April 21, 2023.
Barr*, G., Ortiz de Montellano*, E., Rao, U., Reynolds, M. F. The Degradation of Industrial Azo Dyes with Heme Proteins and Hydrogen Peroxide, poster presentation, Center for Undergraduate Research Festival, Saint Joseph’s University, April 2023.
Ortiz de Montellano, E.*, Barr*, G., Faglie, B.*, Stefanic, I.*, Rao, U., Reynolds, M. F. Biodegradation of Industrial Textile Anthraquinone Dyes with Hydrogen Peroxide using Horse Hemoglobin and Horse Heart Myoglobin as Green Catalysts, Center for Undergraduate Research Research Festival, Saint Joseph’s University, April 2023.
Ortiz De Montellano*, E., Barr*, G., Falgie*, B., Stefanic*, I., Rao, U., Reynolds, M. Biodegradation of industrial textile anthraquinone dyes with hydrogen peroxide using horse hemoglobin and horse heart myoglobin as green catalysts, American Chemical Society Spring Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Mar 26-30, 2023.
G. Barr*, E. Ortiz de Montellano*, Falgie*, B., Stefanic*, I., Rao, U., Reynolds, M. The Potential of Horse Hemoglobin and Horse Heart Myoglobin as Green Catalysts in the Degradation of Industrial Textile Azo Dyes with Hydrogen Peroxide, American Chemical Society Spring Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Mar 26-30, 2023.
Rao, U., Reynolds, M., Pogash*, S., Saul*, A. , Barry, D. Exploring the Bioremediation Potential of Mammalian Hemoglobin and Myoglobin in the Degradation of Toxic Azo Industrial Dyes, Poster presentation (designated as a HOT topic), Goldschmidt international Geochemistry Conference, sponsored by the Geochemical Society (GS) and European Association of Geochemistry (EAG),Honolulu, HI, July 2022.
Rao, U., Reynolds, M., Pogash*, S., Saul*, A. , Barry, D. Exploring the Bioremediation Potential of Mammalian Hemoglobin and Myoglobin in the Degradation of Toxic Azo Industrial Dyes, Goldschmidt international Geochemistry Conference, sponsored by the Geochemical Society (GS) and European Association of Geochemistry (EAG), Honolulu, HI, July 2022. This presentation was given a second time as a flash talk.
Reynolds, M., Rao, U., Pogash*, S., Saul*, A. , Barry, D. The Greening of Heme Proteins: A Study of the Degradation of Anthraquinone Textile Dyes using Mammalian Hemoglobin and Myoglobin, accepted, Poster presentation (designated as a HOT topic), Goldschmidt international Geochemistry Conference, sponsored by the Geochemical Society (GS) and European Association of Geochemistry (EAG),Honolulu, HI, July 2022.
Reynolds, M., Rao, U., Pogash*, S., Saul*, A., Barry, D. The Greening of Heme Proteins: A Study of the Degradation of Anthraquinone Textile Dyes using Mammalian Hemoglobin and Myoglobin, accepted, Goldschmidt international Geochemistry Conference, sponsored by the Geochemical Society (GS) and European Association of Geochemistry (EAG), Honolulu, HI, July 2022.
Pogash*, S., Saul*, A., Barry*, D., Reynolds, M. F., Rao, U. A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin in the Bioremediation of Azo, Anthraquinone, Indigoid, and Triarylmethane Dye Pollution, 33rd Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 8, 2022.
Pogash*, S., Saul*, A., Barry*, D., Reynolds, M. and Rao, U. Turning Heme Proteins Green: novel applications of heme proteins in the bioremediation of azo, anthraquinone, indigoid, and triarylmethane industrial dye pollution, American Chemical Society Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA, Mar 20-24, 2022.
Porth, S., Rao, U., Corabi, J. Practicing Cura Personalis for Students and Faculty, the Future of Jesuit Business Education: Serving the World with Inspired Business Education, the 2021 Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education (CJBE) Annual Meeting in conjunction with the 26th Annual International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) World Forum, July 20-22, 2021.
Saul*, A. and Rao, U. Harnessing Green Chemistry in the Search for Agricultural Sustainability, American Chemical Society Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, Newark, Delaware, June 2021.
Piotrowski*, M., Forman*, M., Blithe*, C., Dougher*, A., Millet*, C., Montemarano*, M., Niezgoda*, J.S., Rao, U. Industrial and Agricultural Pollutants in the Susquehanna watershed of Pennsylvania, 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013 (awarded Certificate of Appreciation, “judged outstanding for material content and for manner of presentation”).
Blithe*, C., Lex*, T., Li*, L., Millet*, C., Montemarano*, M., Rao, U. Upstream sources of pollution to the Chesapeake Bay: Inputs of metals from the Susquehanna-Lackawanna Watershed, 12th Annual American Chemical Society Philadelphia Section Student Research Poster Session, 2012.
Blithe*, C., Niezgoda*, J.S., Rao, U. The Presence of Metals in the Dissolved and Sedimentary Fractions of the Susquehanna-Lackawanna River System of Pennsylvania, 11th Annual American Chemical Society Philadelphia Section Student Research Poster Session, 2011.
Blithe*, C., Niezgoda*, J.S., Rao, U. The Presence of Metals in the Dissolved and Sedimentary Fractions of the Susquehanna-Lackawanna River System of Pennsylvania, 22nd Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 8, 2011.
Niezgoda*, J.S., Blithe*, C., Rao, U. Metal Dispersion in the Streams of Pennsylvania’s Anthracite Belt: The Legacy of 150 Years of Coal Mining, Annual Sigma Xi Conference at Thomas Jefferson University, 2010.
Blithe*, C. Niezgoda*, J.S., Rao, U. Metal Dispersion in the Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Region Watershed: the Legacy of 150 Years of Coal Mining, 21st Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 23, 2010.
Niezgoda*, J.S., Blithe*, C., Rao, U. The Presence of Metals in the Susquehanna-Lackawanna Watershed: the Legacy of 150 Years of Anthracite Mining, 10th Annual American Chemical Society-Philadelphia Section Student Research Poster Session, 2010.
Blithe*, C., Niezgoda*, J.S., Rao, U. Environmental water quality in streams draining anthracite mining regions in Pennsylvania, 20th Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 2009.
Hammons*, A.L., Eisele*, I., Rao, U. Radioiodine from Nuclear Sources in the Sediments of Lake Ontario, 17th Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium and the 60th Annual Eastern Colleges Science Conference, 2006.
Rao, U., Hammons*, A., Eisele*, I., Elmore, D., Muramatsu, Y. Iodine and 129I in lacustrine sedimentary organic matter: extraction techniques, inventories, and redox dependent mobility in sediment cores from Lake Ontario, International Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference (AMS-10), September 2005, Berkeley, CA.
Eisele*, I., Hammons*, A., Rao, U. A Study of 36Cl and Chloride in the Saratoga Springs, New York, the 16thAnnual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 8, 2005.
Snyder, G.T., Fehn, U., Muramatsu, Y., Sultana, M.S., Moran, J.E., Rao, U. Factors influencing the global distribution of 129I in the environment: a look at the iodine cycle in surface reservoirs, Invited talk: Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-11, 2004.
Frunzi*, M., Eisele*, I., Rao, U. The Presence of Radioiodine in the Sediments of the Great Lakes, the 15thAnnual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 23, 2004.
Frunzi*, M., Swatkoski*, S., Rao, U. 129I and Total Iodine Depth Profiles in the Bottom Sediments of Lake Ontario: Tracking Emissions from Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Nuclear Weapons Testing, 14thAnnual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 11, 2003.
Frunzi*, M., Swatkoski*, S.J., Rao, U. 129I and Total Iodine Depth Profiles in the Bottom Sediments of Lake Ontario: Tracking Emissions from Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Nuclear Weapons Testing, American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, March 23-27, 2003.
Swatkoski*, S.J., Frunzi*, M., Sherman*, J., Dion*, P., Rao, U. Alternative Solvent Extraction Systems to Replace Carbon Tetrachloride in Iodine Extraction, Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society, Galveston, Texas, November 16, 2002.
Sherman*, J. and Rao, U. Applications of 129I and 36Cl in Environmental Geochemistry, 13th Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 12, 2002.
Sherman*, J., Bartolomeo*, A., Rao, U. Iodine-129 and Iodine-127 in Sedimentary Organic Matter from Lake Ontario, 12th Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, Saint Joseph’s University, April 27, 2001.
Rao, U., Fehn, U., McNeil, H., Muramatsu, Y., Sharma, P., Elmore, D. Iodine-129 from Nuclear Sources in Tree Rings from New York, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 2000, vol. 31, A487.
Rao, U. and Hollander, D.J., Characterizing carbon and nitrogen cycling in wetlands: An integrated elemental, isotopic, and molecular study of dissolved, particulate, and sedimentary organic matter, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1999, vol. 30, A494-495.
Fehn, U., Snyder, G., Rao, U., McNeil, H. Iodine-129 in the Southern Hemisphere and in Tree-Rings, 8thInternational Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference in Vienna, Austria, August 1999.
Rao, U., Hollander, D.J., Sirivedhin, T., Gray, K. The Dynamics of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Riparian Wetland as Revealed in the Elemental, Isotopic, and Molecular Characterizations of Particulate, Dissolved, and Sedimentary Organic Matter, European Association of Organic Geochemistry conference in Istanbul, Turkey, September 1999.
Rao, U., Hollander, D.J., Gray, K.A., Sirivedhin, T. Comparative Isotopic, Elemental, and Molecular Analyses of the Seasonal Changes in the DOM and POM Reservoirs in an Anthropogenically Influenced Riparian Wetland, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Annual Meeting in Santa Fe, NM, February 1999.
Rao, U., Hollander, D.J., Gray, K.A., Sirivedhin, T. Probing the Dynamics of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in an Anthropogenically Influenced Riparian Wetland: A Bulk and Molecular Geochemical Approach to the Characterization of POM and DOM Reservoirs, Gordon Research Conference in Organic Geochemistry, Holderness School, New Hampshire, August 1998.
Rao, U., Fehn, U., Sharma, P., Elmore, D. Estimating the relative contributions of anthropogenic iodine-129 from different sources: a case study in western New York, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1998, vol. 29, A187.
Rao, U., Fehn, U. Potential Use of Tree-Rings to Study the History of Anthropogenic 129I Releases, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1997, vol. 28, A387.
Rao, U., McNeil*, H., Fehn, U., Teng, R. Emissions of 129I in the western New York: A Study at the West Valley nuclear reprocessing facility, and Ginna and Nine Mile Point nuclear power plants: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1996, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 92.
Rao, U., Fehn, U., Teng, R. The presence and penetration depth of nuclear fuel reprocessing related iodine-129 in soils of Western New York, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1996, vol. 28, A-470.
Rao, U., McNeil*, H., Teng, R., Fehn, U. Anthropogenic 129I distribution and pathways through the environment: A study in Western New York: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1995, vol. 27, no. 1, p. 76.
Rao, U., Fehn, U., Teng, R. 1995, Environmental transport and biological uptake history of anthropogenic 129I in Western NY: A study of tree rings, vegetation, soil and sediments: Geological Society of America, Abstract with Programs, 1995, vol. 27, no. 6.
Fehn, U., Rao, U., Teng, R. 1995, Anthropogenic 129I in Western New York: Distribution, sources, and pathways: American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, April 1995.
Rao, U., Fehn, U., Teng, R. The 129I signal in Western New York: A study of sources and distribution. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1994, vol. 26, no.7, p. A360.
Moran, J., Teng, R., Rao, U., Fehn, U. 1994, Detection of Iodide in geologic samples for environmental applications: International Conference on Ion Chromatography, Turin, Italy, June 1994.
Moran, J., Teng, R., Rao, U., Ritts*, B., Fehn, U. 1993, Preparation of silver iodide samples from geologic materials for determination of 129I/I ratios by AMS: Sixth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Canberra, Australia, Sept. 1993.
Fehn, U., Moran, J., Teng, R., Rao, U., Sharma, P., Datar, S., Gove, H.E. 1993, Applications of cosmogenic, crustal, and anthropogenic 129I: Sixth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Canberra, Australia, Sept. 1993.
Rao, U., Moran, J., Fehn, U., Goff, F. Sources of Cl in the Valles Caldera Geothermal System, New Mexico: A 36Cl study: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 1993, vol. 25, no. 6, p. A-91.