PhD The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2008
Full-time instructor and Teaching officer, Korea Third Military Academy.
Assistant manager, Korea Development Bank.
Host country uncertainty, intra-MNC production shifts, and subsidiary performance.2012. Strategic Management Journal, 33(11): 1331-1340.(with Lee S-H)
Cultural differences, the MNE's learning ability, and the effect of experience on subsidiary mortality in a dissimilar culture: Evidence from Korean MNEs. 2013. Journal of International Business Studies, 2013, 44(1): 41-65.(with Zeng Y, Shenkar O, Lee S-H)
FDI experience and subsidiary mortality: Differences in national culture and the expansion of Korean MNEs. 2013. Management International Review, 53(3): 477-509.(with Zeng Y, Shenkar O, Lee S-H)
FDI structure, investment specificity, and multinational flexibility value under market uncertainty. 2013. Management International Review, 53(6): 795-817.
Governments, entrepreneurs, and positive externalities: A real options perspective. 2013. European Management Journal, 31: 333-347. (with Lee S-H, Peng MW)
Investment irreversibility and longevity of MNC foreign subsidiaries: The moderating effect of host market uncertainty. 2014. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(2): 455-471
Foreign subsidiary divestment: The role of multinational flexibility. 2014. Management International Review, 54(1): 47-70.
Unfavorable market conditions, Institutional and financial development, and exits of small foreign subsidiaries. 2014. Journal of International Management, 203: 279-289.
Within-country growth options vs. Across-country switching options in foreign direct investments. 2014. Global Strategy Journal, 4: 127-142.(with Makhija M, Lee S-H) Inter-country exchange rates and intra-firm trade flows within global network of multinational corporations.2015. Management International Review, 55(1): 1-22.
Exchange Rate Challenges, flexible Intra-firm adjustment and subsidiary longevity. 2015. Journal of World Business, 50(3): 548-558.
Social corporate responsibility in international business: Illustrations from Korean and Japanese electronics MNEs in Indonesia. 2015 Journal of Business Ethics, 129(3): 747-761. (with Park YR, Choe S, Baik Y.)
Operational hedging in foreign direct investment under volatile and divergent exchange rates across countries. 2015. Journal of World Business, 50(3): 548-558.(with Lee S-H, Makhija M.)
International investments under uncertainty: Contributions of real options theory and future directions. 2015. Journal of Management & Organization, 21(6): 786-811. (with Makhija M, Kim S-M.)
Ownership increase in international joint ventures: The Within- and Across-country flexibility perspective. 2017. Management International Review, 57(1): 93-120.
Host market uncertainty, subsidiary characteristics, and growth options exercise. 2017. Long Range Planning, 50(1): 63-73.
The hysteresis effects of relationships with headquarters on longevity of foreign subsidiaries. 2017. Management International Review. 57(4), 545-570.(with Lee J-Y.)
Determinants of corporate international expansion beyond the home region: An empirical examination of U.S. MNEs' expansion to Europe and Asia-Pacific. 2017. Global Strategy Journal,7(4), 400-426.(with Mauri A, Neiva J.)
How outside directors' human and social capital creates value for corporate international investments. 2019. Journal of World Business,54(2): 93-106 (with Lai J-H, Chen L-Y)
Actualization of growth potential in international joint ventures: The moderating effects of localization strategies. 2019. Journal of World Business, 55(2).
Location-boundedness, investment irreversibility, and divestment of international joint ventures under host market demand uncertainty. 2021. Long Range Planning, 55(1): 1-15.
Do in-network ties help in lowering subsidiary divestment rates under environmental challenges? 2021. Journal of Business Research, 128: 257-265.
When do multinational corporations adjust product volume flexibly among in-network subsidiaries?. 2021. Journal of Business Research, 135: 532-542.
Investment attributes and learning from failure in foreign direct investments. 2022. Long Range Planning, 55(4): 1-18. (with Zeng, Choe S, Lee J-R)
Determining investment size and local embeddedness under host market uncertainty and growth rates. 2022. International Business Review. 31(2): 1-12.
Locational boundness of resources, compatibility of production, and downside risks of multinationality. 2022. Global Strategy Journal, 12(2): 334-358.
Multinational Operational Flexibility, Within-network Redundancy, and Downside Risks and Divestment Rates of International Investments. 2023. International Business Review. 32(1): 102050.
Portfolio ownership, production shifts, and downside risks: Evidence from Korea. 2023. Journal of Business Research, 155(A): 113421.
Divesting or keeping overseas subsidiary production under rising production costs and uncertainty market demands in host countries. 2024. International Business Review, 33(5): 102320.
Real options and multinational operational flexibility under uncertainty
Experience, culture, and organizational Learning
Foreign market entry and exit
Dynamics in strategic alliances and joint ventures
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability in international business realm
Teaching pedagogies in strategy and international business education