Peter A. Clark, SJ, PhD
Professor of Theology and Religious Studies
Director of Catholic Bioethics, Institute of Clinical Bioethics
McShain Ethics Chair

Peter A. Clark, S.J., Ph.D. is a Professor of Medical Ethics and Director of the Institute of Clinical Bioethics at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. He is also the Bioethicist for the Mercy Health System of Philadelphia, Shriners Hospital for Children and St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. In addition he is the consultant for Catholic Charities of Maryland, Saint Agnes Hospital, Baltimore Maryland, Mercy Health System, Baltimore Maryland, Jefferson Health System (Torresdale Hospital, Frankford Hospital, Lower Bucks, Hospital, Abington Hospital), Community Suburban Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital (Langhorne), St. Francis Hospital (Wilmington) and Caritas Baby Hospital (Bethlehem, Palestine).
As Bioethicist, Father Clark is responsible for the ethical training of the medical interns/residents/fellows in all affiliated hospitals. He does weekly Ethics Teaching Rounds at the three acute care facilities in the Mercy Health System and the 4 Jefferson Health Hospitals, co-chairs the hospital ethics committees, IRBs and the Corporate Ethics Committee and is on consult 24/7 for all hospitals.
Father Clark is author of numerous articles in medical and bioethics journals on topics, which include: medical futility, pain management, prejudice in the medical profession, the medical use of marijuana, tube feedings and PVS patients, male circumcision and HIV/AIDS, face transplantation, organ transplants, safe injection sites, palliative care and hospice and the Ashley treatment, etc.
He is also the author of To Treat or Not to Treat: the Ethical Methodology of Richard A. McCormick as Applied to Treatment Decisions for Handicapped Newborns published by Creighton University Press and Death With Dignity: Ethical and Practical Considerations for Caregivers of the Terminally Ill, which is published by Chicago University Press. Father Clark has edited Contemporary Issues in Bioethics published by InTech Publishers and Bioethics: Medical, Ethical and Legal Perspectives published by InTech Publishers. Father Clark also is a reviewer for numerous bioethics journals, a member of various Editorial Boards and is a member of various medical and ethical organizations nationally and internationally.
- PhD Christian Ethics - Specialization in Biomedical Ethics, Loyola University of Chicago, 1996
- MDiv Divinity, Weston School of Divinity, 1992
- MA Philosophy, Fordham University, 1987
- MS Counseling Psychology, Duquesne University, 1978
- BA International Relations, Saint Joseph's College, 1975
- Minor: Latin American Studies
- Director of the Institute for Clinical Bioethics
- Member of the Consortium of Jesuit Bioethics Programs (Steering Committee)
- International Forum of Catholic Bioethicists – Brussels, Belgium 2009-2012 (Steering Committee)
- Catholic Theological Society of America
- Society of Christian Ethics
- American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
- Jesuit Philosophical Society
Clark Peter, Massada Karen, Stout Justin, McNierney Bridget, Tracey Joseph, Webster Theresa, McCarthy Teagan & Kondrat Irena. “Human Facial Transplantation: 15-Year Update,” Internet Journal of Surgery 38 (1) January 2022. DOI: 0.5580/IJS.56265
Clark Peter, Mamo Gabriella, Stout Justin, McNierney Bridget, Tracy Joseph, DiSandro Daniel, Grana David, Rivera-Colon Gerardo, McCarthy Teagan & Kondrat Irena. “Opioid Task Force Phase Four: Undergraduate and Medical School Opioid Certification Curricula,” Journal of Public Health 8 (1) 2022. DOI: 10.5580/IJPH.56442
Clark Peter, Isola Adetola, Panda Monisha, Stinson Connor, Stout Justin, Kelly Joseph, Aggarwal Adamya, Romero Brandan, Sheppard Simon. “Genetically Modified Pig Kidneys in Humans: Medical, Ethical, Financial and Social Perspectives.” Journal of Nephrology 12 (2) January 2023. DOI: 10.5580/IJNE.56560
Clark Peter, Micale Jessica, Ferko Tiana, Lombardo Stefania, Haddad Christopher, Vu Kevin. “Dental Health Promoter: A Paradigm for Other Universities.” Journal of Dental Science 18 (1) January 2023.DOI: 10.5580/IJDS.56611
Clark Peter, Deshpande Soheil, Agrawal Shubham, Kelly Joseph, Lu Christy, Fasolas Stephanie & Stefanic Isabella. “Pediatric Post-Morten Tissue Donation: The Ethical Responsibility of Physicians,” Journal of Oncology 17 (2) April 2023.Books:
Clark, P. (Editor) Bioethical Issues in Healthcare (Rijeka, Crotia: InTech Publishers, July, 2022). ISBN 978-1-83969-466-0
Book Chapter
Clark, P. Grana, David. “An Examination of Safe Injection Sites and Ethical Issues in Philadelphia, United States,” in Bioethical Issues in Healthcare Ed. Peter A. Clark (Rijeka, Crotia: InTech Publishers, May 2022). DOI10.5772/intechopen104565See CV for complete list.
- Faculty Merit Award for Justice – Saint Joseph's University – 2023
- Tengelmann Teaching and Research Award – Saint Joseph's University – 2022
- Patricia Waldron Mercy Legacy Award – Mercy Catholic Medical Center – May 2018
- Main Line Today's 2018 Healthcare Hero Award – May 2018
- Michael J. Morris Grant for Scholarly Research – 2011-2012
- Certificate of Merit – Extraordinary Achievement in Teaching – Saint Joseph's University – 2005-2006
- Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching – Saint Joseph’s University, 2004-2005
- Dean Connelly Award for the Outstanding Article of 2005 from the American College of Health Care Executives – March 2005
- Midcareer Award – Catholic Health Association – June 2004
- John McShain Chair in Ethics – Saint Joseph’s University – 2000 - 2002
See CV for complete list.
- Clark, P. Lee, M. Edara, R. Myers, A. "Zika Virus: Can Artificial Contraception Be Condoned?" Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases 15 (1), July 2016.
- Clark, P. Lee, M. Maheshwari, A. “Ethical Dilemma for a Medical Resident: A Case Study Analysis.” Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases 15 (1), September 2016.
- Clark, P. “Ethics Teaching Rounds: A Paradigm for All Teaching Hospitals,” Journal of Healthcare Ethics and Administration 2 (2) Fall/Winter 2016.
- Clark, P. Sullivan, E. Chowdury. “Loperamide Misuse and Recommendation for Yearly Federal Legislative Evaluation of New Law: ‘Combat Loperamide Epidemic Act (CLEA),’” Internet Journal of Public Health, 5 (1) Spring 2017.
- Clark, P. Lee, M. Eck, B. Edmonds, B. “The Effects of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) on Elementary and Secondary Student Football Players and Preventive Guidelines,” Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology 19 (1) 2017.
- Clark, P. & Myers, A. “To Treat or Not To Treat: The Case of Methylmalonic Acidemia,” Journal of Neonatology and Clinical Pediatrics, 4 (1) August 11, 2017
- Clark, P., Ochasi A, Yub Raj Sedhai, Soney Basnyat, Deepak P. Acharya, “Cadaveric Donation and Post-mortem Reuse of Pacemakers and Defibrillations in Nepal: Medical, Legal and Ethical Challenges,” Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine 6 (1) January-June 2017.
- Clark, P. “Palliative Care and Hospice: A Paradigm for End-of-Life Care in Developing Nations,” Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine 6 (2) July-December 2017.
- Clark, P. “Play Sure Kits: A Form of Harm Reduction for HIV/AIDS,” Clinical Journal of HIV and AIDS 1 (1) 2017.
- Clark, P., Lui, M. & Cooney, K. “Fentanyl: Heroin Yielding to a Deadlier Street Cousin,” Internet Journal of Public Health 6 (1) March 2018.
- Clark, P., Lee M., Reddy, K.,Chowdhury J., Kumar N., Ndao, P., Suh, S., & Song, S. “Overcoming the Legacy of Mistrust: African Americans’ Mistrust of Medical Profession: A Constructive Proposal,” Journal of Healthcare Ethics and Administration, 4 (1) Spring/Summer, 2018.
- Clark P., McClendon A., Maheshwari A., Nguyen T., Nguyen O., McNamee M. & Gareis C. “Sanitary Pads for Developing Nations: Medicals, Ethical and Design Issues,” Internet Journal of World Health and Societal Politics 10 (1) April 2018.
- Clark P. Ochasi, A. and Farrow D. “The Use of Viable Hepatitis C Organs For Patients With End-Stage Organ Diseases: Medical, Legal and Ethical Perspectives.” Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics 12 (1) July 2018.
- Clark P., Lee M., Gulati S., Minupuri A., Zheng S., Schadt S., Dubensky J., DiMeglio M., Umapathy S, Nguyen O., Rodriguez P., Cooney K. and Lathrop S. “Comprehensive User Engagement Sites (CUES) in Philadelphia: A Constructive Proposal,” Internet Journal of Public Health 18 (1) October 2018.
- Clark P., Dubensky J., Evans A., Bhatt, H., Ayala, A. and Umapathy S. “The Ethics of Medical Marijuana: Government Restrictions vs. Medical Necessity An Update,” Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics 12 (1) 2018.
See CV for complete list.