Natalie Wood, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean, Executive Education, Veterans Programs and Assessment for the Haub School of Business

Natalie T. Wood, Ph.D. (Auburn University) is Associate Dean and Professor of Marketing. Her specialization is consumer behavior and social media. Prof. Wood has published her research in a variety of journals including, The Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Marketing Communications, Marketing Education Review, The International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising and Business Horizons.
- PhD, Auburn University, Alabama U.S.A. 2002
- GradDip in Marketing, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia 1999
- BBus in Marketing, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia 1996
Saint Joseph’s University
- Associate Dean (June 2017 - current)
- Professor (August 2018 - current)
- Associate Professor (August 2010 - May 2018)
- Assistant Professor (August 2004 - May 2010)
- Assistant Director, Center for Consumer Research (March 2007 - 2011)
San Diego State University- Lecturer (August 2000-May 2004)
Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia- Lecturer (January 1996–Aug 1999)
Refereed Journal Articles
- Burkhalter, Janee N and Natalie T. Wood (2019/20). #SocialTV: Engaging Viewers through Social Media. Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing. Authors listed alphabetically.
- Wood, Natalie T and Feng Shen (2016). Looks Matter: Facial similarity between a candidate and celebrity endorser influences youth voting behavior. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15 (3), 221-237.
- Munoz, Caroline and Natalie T. Wood. (2015). Update Status: The State of Social Media Marketing Curriculum. Journal of Marketing Education, 37 (2) 88-103. Authors listed alphabetically.
- Wood, Natalie T., Janee N. Burkhalter and Donna Falgiatore (2014). Java Cookie: Finding Sweet Success with W.O.M in the Digital Age. International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications (1), 25-33.
- Burkhalter, Janee N., Natalie T. Wood and Stephanie Tryce (2014). Clear, Conspicuous and Complete: Exploring deception in microblogging environments, Business Horizons May/June, 319-328. This paper was accepted in 2013.
- Wood, Natalie T and Janee N. Burkhalter (2014). “Tweet This, Not That: A comparison between brand promotions in microblogging environments using celebrity and company-generated Tweets” Journal of Marketing Communications 20 (1/2), 129-146. This paper was accepted in 2012.
- Allan, David and Natalie T. Wood (2009) “Incorporating Ethics into the Marketing Communications Class: The Case of Joe and Jo Camel.” Marketing Education Review 19 (2), 63-71.
- Wood, Natalie T., Lyle R. Wetsch, Michael R. Solomon and Ken Hudson (2009) “From Interactive to Immersive: Advertising Education takes a Virtual Leap of Faith.” Journal of Advertising Education, 13 (1) 64-72.
- Munoz, Caroline K. and Natalie T. Wood. (2009)“A Recipe for Success: Understanding and Influencing Regional Perceptions of Authenticity in Themed Restaurants.” The International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality 3 (3), 269-280.
- Wood, Natalie T, Michael R. Solomon and David Allan (2008), “Welcome to the Matrix: e-learning Gets a Second Life.” Marketing Education Review, 18 (2) 45-53.
- Wood, Natalie T., Solomon, Michael R. and Basil G. Englis (2008). “Personalization of the Web Interface: The Impact of Web Avatars on Users’ Response to E-Commerce Sites,” Journal of Website Promotion, 2 (1/2)53-69.
- Wood, Natalie T. and Kenneth C. Herbst (2007). “Political Star Power and Political Parties: Does Celebrity Endorsement Win First-Time Votes? Journal of Political Marketing, Special Issue on Theory and Concept Development, 6 (2/3) 141-158.
- Wood, Natalie T. and Caroline Munoz. (2007) “No Rules, Just Right or is it? The Role of Themed Restaurants as Cultural Ambassadors.” Tourism and Hospitality Research 7(3/4) 242-255.
- Munoz, Caroline K., Wood, Natalie T. and Helene Cherrier (2006) “It’s a Small World After All: Cross Cultural Teaching Methodologies” Marketing Education Review, Special Issue on Teaching Innovation, 16 (1) 53-57.
- Munoz, Caroline K, Natalie T. Wood and Michael R. Solomon (2006) “Real or Blarney?: A Cross-Cultural Study of Perceived Authenticity in Irish Pubs” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5 (3), 222-234.
- Wood, Natalie T, Michael R. Solomon and Basil G. Englis (2005) “Personalization of Online Avatars: Is the Messenger as Important as the Message?” International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2 (1/2), 143-161.
- Lego, Caroline K, Natalie T. Wood, Michael R Solomon and Stephanie McFee (2002), "A Thirst for the Real Thing in Themed Retail Environments: Consumer Authenticity in Irish Pubs,” The Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 5 (2), 61-74.
Refereed Book Chapters
- Wood, Natalie T. and Janée N. Burkhalter (2014). “Tweet This, Not That: A Comparison Between Brand Promotions in Microblogging Environments Using Celebrity and Company-Generated Tweets,” in Word of Mouth and Social Media, Allan J. Kimmel and Philip J. Kitchen (Eds.). Routledge. This paper was originally published as a journal article and then accepted for inclusion in a book.
- Wood, Natalie T. (2010). “Real Lessons in Virtual Worlds: Using Virtual World Technology to Educate and Train Business Students” in ed. Charles Wankel, Cutting-edge Social Media Approaches to Business Education: Teaching with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, and Blogs, Information Age Publishing.
- Wood, Natalie T. (2010) “Growing Up ‘Virtual’: Interactive Technologies and their Impact on Youth Consumer Behavior” in ed. Tracy Tuten, Enterprise 2.0 How Technology, ecommerce, and Web 2.0 are Transforming Business Virtually, Praeger Publishers.
- Wood, Natalie T., Michael R. Solomon, Greg W. Marshall and Sarah Lincoln (2010) .“Corporate Education Goes Virtual: A Hybrid Approach to Experiential Learning” in eds William Ritke-Jones, Virtual Environments for Corporate Education: Employee Learning and Solutions. IGI Global, 284-301.
- Wood, Natalie T. and Michael R. Solomon (2010). “Adonis or Atrocious: Spokesavatars and Source Effects in Immersive Digital Environments” in eds Matthew S. Eastin, Terry Daugherty, and Neal M. Burns, Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising: User Generated Content Consumption, IGI Global
- Wood, Natalie T, Michael R. Solomon and Basil G. Englis (2003) “No One Looks That Good in Real Life!: Projections of the Real versus Ideal Self in the Online Visual Space,” in eds. Linda Scott and Rajeev Batra, Persuasive Imagery: A Consumer Response Perspective, Mahwah: NJ. Lawrence Erlbaum, 383-395.
Non-Referred Publications
- Dalla Pozza, Ilaria, Natalie T. Wood and Janée N. Burkhalter (2015). “Tweeting for Service: Twitter as a Communication Channel for Customer Service,” in Maximizing Commerce and Marketing Strategies through Micro-Blogging, Janée N. Burkhalter and Natalie T. Wood (Eds.). IGI Global.
- Solomon, Michael R and Natalie T. Wood (2009) “Virtual Social Identity: Welcome to the Metaverse” in eds Michael R. Solomon and Natalie T. Wood, Virtual Social Identity and Consumer Behavior. Advertising and Consumer Psychology Book Series. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Books and Edited Volumes
- Wood, Natalie and Caroline Munoz (2017). #Share: How to Mobilize Social Word of Mouth (sWOM). Business Expert Press.
- Burkhalter, Janee N and Natalie T. Wood (2015) Maximizing Commerce and Marketing Strategies through Micro-Blogging. IGI Global.
- Natalie T. Wood and Michael R. Solomon (2009) “Virtual Social Identity and Consumer Behavior.” Advertising and Consumer Psychology Book Series. ME Sharpe.
- Wood, Natalie T (2010) “Marketing in Virtual Worlds.” Instructor and Student Editions. New Jersey: Pearson
- Arrupe Center for Business Ethics (2019)
- Saint Joseph’s University, Michael J. Morris Scholarly Research Grant (2014)
- Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association (MEIEA) (2014)
- Campbells Food (2011)
- Direct Selling Education Foundation (DSEF) Academic Research Grant (2010 & 2011)
- Saint Joseph’s University Faculty Merit Award – Teaching (2013)
- Saint Joseph’s University Faculty Merit Award – Research (2007)