" 'Manuela Vuelve': La Amable Loca as Foundational Myth in Venezuela." (Alter)nativas 8 (2018). n.p. https://alternativas.osu.edu/en/issues/spring-8-2018/miscellany2/hennes.html.
“Seductora, amazona, heroína: la representación de Manuela Sáenz en los ‘diarios perdidos.’” Revista nacional de cultura 18 (2012): 259-72.
“Irony and Criticism in Jorge Alí Triana’s Bolívar soy yo,” The Philological Papers 55-56 (2012): 69-79.
“The Gendered Spaces of La Libertadora: Diego Rísquez’s Manuela Sáenz.” Hispanic Journal 32.2 (2011): 95-108.
“Bringing the Bicentennials into the Language and Culture Classroom: A Multimedia Approach.” Hispania: 94.2 (2011): 348-59.
“Los ‘diarios perdidos’ de Manuela Sáenz y la formación de un icono cultural.” Kipus: revista andina de letras 26.2 (2009): 109-32.
“Corrientes culturales en la leyenda de Juana Azurduy de Padilla,” Cuadernos americanos 132.2 (2010): 93-115.
“Gender, Sexual Desire and Manuela Sáenz in the Writings of Jean-Baptiste Boussingault and Ricardo Palma.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 87.3 (2010): 347-64.
Co-authored articles
Hennes, Heather; Sosa, Graciela and Wexler, Berta. “El honor y normas de género en las epístolas de Manuela Sáenz. Una voz femenina que se sitúa en ‘América.’” Comisión del Bicentenario Mujer e Independencia en América Latina. Sara Beatriz Guardia, ed., Centro para el Estudio de la Mujer en la Historia de America Latina. 4 Nov. 2011. Web.
Ewald, Jennifer and Heather Hennes. “Red Lights and Yellow Lights: Moving Toward an Informed Use of Online Resources.” The Language Educator 3.1 (2008): 45-47.
Other publications:
"Manuela Sáenz." Escritoras latinoamericanas del diecinueve. Colección virtual. Escritoras Latinoamericanas del Diecinueve. Eds. Claire Emilie Martin and María Nelly Gotzwith. Apr. 9, 2015. Web.
“Catherine M. Jaffe and Elizabeth Franklin Lewis: Eve’s Enlightenment: Women’s Experience in Spain and Spanish America, 1726-1839.” The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History 66.3 (2010): 399-401.
“Ancient Miamians: An Imaginative Recreation of the Lives of Native Floridians.” H-net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Ed. Melvin Page and Robert Cassanello. Sept. 2002. Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine. Web. www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=6759. Editorially reviewed. Review invited by H-Florida.
Other Translations:
“Land Markets, Social Reproduction and Configuration of Urban Space: A Case Study of FiveMunicipalities in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.” Juan D. Lombardo, Mercedes DiVirgilio, Leonardo Fernández, Natalia Da Representaçao, and Victoria Brushchi. Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning, Vol. 1. Eds. Bruce Stiftel and Vanessa Watson. New York: Routledge, 2004. 95-136.
In Mississippi Review: World Poetry Edition 28.3 (2000).
- “Dark Ritual.” Antonio Correa Losada. 149.
- “The Foolish Country.” Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda. 115.
- “Hara-Kiri.” Rafael del Castillo Matamoros. 153.
- “A Question of Statistics.” Piedad Bonnett Vélez.173.