Diane M. Phillips, Ph.D. is a professor of marketing at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Dr. Phillips is also a Guest Professor at the Institute for Retail Management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. She received her Ph.D. from Penn State University and focuses her research in the broad area of consumer psychology. More specifically, she examines consumer attitudes, satisfaction, emotional responses, and consumer decision making. These models are then applied in several contexts, including sustainability and marketing strategy. Her research has been presented at a variety of international conferences and published in a variety of international publications. In 2021, Dr. Phillips published her first textbook entitled, Consumer Behavior & Insights with Oxford University Press. In 2023, her second textbook was published by SAGE Publications: Marketing Strategy & Management.
Dr. Diane M. Phillips has been writing, speaking, and doing research on sustainability for more than 25 years and in 2013, became a certified member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, an elite group of thought leaders trained by former vice president Al Gore to deliver The New Climate Reality presentation. In 2022, Dr. Phillips was the recipient of the Penn State University, Smeal College of Business Sustainability Leadership Award. This award is given in recognition of exceptional leadership in the advancement of sustainable business strategy, management, and practice.
Dr. Phillips frequently leads international study tour trips – many focused on sustainability and organizations – and in recent years has visited Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France, Italy, Belize, Panama, Fiji, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Nepal with student groups.
- PhD, Pennsylvania State University
- MS, Texas A&M University
- BS, Pennsylvania State University
Consulting Projects
- Mindshare, Inc., The Franklin Institute, Sun & Earth, East Coast Liquid Filling, Terracycle, Mannington Mills, Riverbend Environmental Education Center, Green Valleys Association, North American Land Trust, Veryfine Juices, Dermamed, Bloomberg Earnings Estimates.
Expert Testimony
- On 8 November 2013, Dr. Phillips testified before the Environmental Protection Agency in Philadelphia on the issue of emissions from coal-fired power plants.
Work Experience
- Minitab, Inc.: Marketing Representative. (February 1992-August 1992)
- Technology Business Development (a division of the Texas A&M University System): Marketing Consultant. (January 1990-August 1991)
- Exxon, USA: Marketing Assistant. (January 1989-January 1990)
- Phillips, Diane (2023). Marketing Strategy & Management, 1st ed., SAGE Publications, Ltd., London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-5297-7856-4. https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/marketing-strategy-management/book278489.
- Phillips, Diane and Basil G. Englis (2022). Green consumption is both feminine and masculine – Just ask the androgynous consumer. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, April, 1-12, http://doi.org/10.1002/cb.2052.
- Phillips, Diane (2021). Consumer Behavior & Insights, 1st ed., Oxford University Press, New York, NY. ISBN: 978-0190857134. https://global.oup.com/ushe/product/consumer-behavior-and-insights-9780190857134?cc=us&lang=en.
- Loock, Moritz and Diane M. Phillips (2020). A Firm’s Financial Reputation vs. Sustainability Reputation: Do Consumers Really Care? Sustainability, 12 (24). 1-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su122410519.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Jason Keith Phillips (2020). Using Military Strategy to Teach Marketing Strategy: Preparing Students for the Global Economy, Journal of Business Disciplines, August. ISSN: Online 2690-8220. https://doi.org/10.35255/jbd1871.101003.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Jason Keith Phillips (2018). We’d like our clothes back please: Partnering with consumers to achieve sustainability goals, Handbook of Sustainability, Robert Brinkmann and Sandra J. Garren, eds., Chapter 32, Palgrave McMillan, 599-614.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Jason Keith Phillips (2018). Next Generation Green: White Dog Café and its Evolving Brand Identity, Case 9B18A016w and Teaching Note 8B18A016w, Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Jason Keith Phillips (2016). Sustainable growth at Terracycle: Should manufacturing be moved? Case 9B16A010 and Teaching Note 8B16A010. Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7 (this case was submitted by the publisher to the 2016 EFMD case competition).
- Meise, Niklas, Thomas Rudolph, Peter Kenning, and Diane M. Phillips (2014). Feed them facts: Value perceptions and consumer use of sustainability-related product information, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21 (4), 510-519.
- Phillips, Diane M. and William K. Hallman (2013). Consumer risk perceptions and marketing strategy: The case of genetically modified food, Psychology & Marketing, 30 (9), 739-748.
- Phillips, Diane M. (2013). Advice from the front lines of sustainability: Take the stairs, there is no elevator, Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 18 (2), 103-115.
- Englis, Basil and Diane M. Phillips (2013). Does innovativeness drive environmentally conscious consumer behavior? Psychology & Marketing, 30 (2), 160-172.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Jason Keith Phillips (2012). Buying the farm: Strategies young entrepreneurs use to prepare for the future, Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 17 (4), 3-23.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Jason Keith Phillips (2010). Walking the walk: Putting social responsibility into action at the White Dog Café. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, by Paul Griseri and Nina Seppala, eds. 1st edition. Cengage Learning. 101-107. ISBN: 1408007436.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Jason Keith Phillips (2009). Walking the walk: Putting social responsibility into action at the White Dog Café. Case 9B07M049 and Teaching Note 8B07M049. Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7 (this is a rewrite of the 2007 case).
- Phillips, Jason Keith and Diane M. Phillips (2009). Performance is in the eye of the beholder: Stakeholders and how their variant definitions impact assessment of public transit performance, American Journal of Business Research. Volume 2, No. 1, 69-84.
- Phillips, Jason Keith and Diane M. Phillips (2007). Development of variant definitions for stakeholder groups with regard to the performance of public transit in the United States, Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods., Volume 5, Issue 2, 61-70.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Jason Keith Phillips (2007). Walking the walk: Putting social responsibility into action at the White Dog Café. Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7.
- Phillips, Diane M. and John L. Stanton (2004). Age-related differences in advertising: Recall and persuasion, The Journal of Targeting, Measurement, and Analysis for Marketing, Vol. 13, No. 1, 7-20.
- Phillips, Diane M. and Hans Baumgartner (2002). Journal of Consumer Psychology, The Role of Consumption Emotions in the Satisfaction Response, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2002, Pages 243-252.