Dr. Forster is the laboratory coordinator for the General Education Program Natural Sciences laboratory-based classes for students who are not majoring in science. With his classes, he has several ongoing pedagogical projects focused on (a) examining how science can be taught effectively to non-science majors and (b) topics in microbiology education.
Dr. Forster is also involved in several science outreach programs. He is the co-chair of the education committee of the Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology and a member of the board of trustees for the Delaware Valley Science Fairs Organization.
Relevant Links:
- BS Biological Sciences (Cell/Molecular), State University of New York at Binghamton (2006)
- PhD Microbiology, Cornell University (2011)
- Consultant/Math Instructor (2004-2008), Tottenville High School After-School/Saturday Academy, Staten Island, NY.
- Laboratory Coordinator, GEP Natural Sciences (2011-Present), Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA.
- Chemical Hygiene Officer (2018-Present)
Publications (Pedagogical):
- Smith, T., Fingerut, J., and Forster, B.M. (2024). Battling Disinformation About Climate Change in a Non-Science Majors Lecture/Lab Course One Website At a Time. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 2(4). LINK
- Smith, T., Burfield, M. and Forster B.M. (2023). Development of interactive PowerPoint simulations as part of an online laboratory on the construction and identification of a genetically modified organism for non-science majors. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 5(4), 57-67. LINK
- Forster B.M., Pacitti A.F. (2023). Enhancing the Microscopy Skills of Non-Science Majors and Nursing Microbiology Students: Promoting the Practice of Observing Multiple Fields of View Using Blood Smear Slides. CourseSource 10. LINK
- Shea, A., M.D. Nelson, L. D'Angelo, G. Mikalonis and Forster, B.M. (2021). Development of a classroom size nephron model and urinalysis experiment. Advances in Biology Laboratory Education - Association for Biology Laboratory Education. LINK
- Lomino, J. and Forster, B.M. (2021). Development of an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Lesson Focusing on the Usage and Benefits of Rain Gardens. Advances in Biology Laboratory Education - Association for Biology Laboratory Education. LINK
- McCall, B., Pacitti, A.F., and Forster, B. M. (2019). A Simplified but Comprehensive Laboratory Curriculum for Microbiology in Nursing and Allied Health (MINAH) Courses. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 20(3): 1-3. LINK
- Violin, C. R. and Forster, B. M. (2019). An introductory module and experiments to improve the graphing skills of Non-Science Majors. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 20(3): 1-3. LINK
- Shea, A., Violin, C. R., Wallace, C., and Forster, B. M. (2019). Teaching Water Quality Analysis using a constructed wetlands microcosm in a Non-Science Majors Environmental Science Laboratory. Pedagogical Research, 4(4), em0046. LINK
- Norman-McKay, L. & ASM Microbiology in Nursing and Allied Health Curriculum Guidelines Committee. 2018. Microbiology in Nursing & Allied Health Undergraduate Curriciulum Guidelines: A Call to Retain Microbiology Lecture and Laboratory Courses in Nursing and Allied Health Programs. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 19(1): 1-5. LINK
- Forster, B.M., E.C. Bilyk, S.A. Moss, J.K. Huxster. 2017. Developing collaborative lab experiments across disciplines through the identification of bacteria. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching - Association for Biology Laboratory Education. LINK
- Forster, B.M., C.Arango Pinedo, J. Fingerut, C. Fritz, J. Huxster, C. Violin. 2016. Integration of graphing activities in non-science major environmental science and nursing microbiology lab courses. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 17(3): 499-504.
- Ramirez, J., C. Arango Pinedo and B. M. Forster. 2015. Discovery of the collaborative nature of science with undergraduate science majors and non-science majors through the identification of microorganisms enriched inWinogradsky columns. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 16(2): 211-216. LINK
- Forster, B.M. and C. Arango Pinedo. 2015. Bacteriological Examination of Waters: Membrane Filtration Protocol. American Society of Microbiology (Microbelibrary). LINK
- Forster, B.M., C.M. Baker, D. El-Naccache, C.J. Springer. 2015. Construction of phylogenetic trees in a non-majors biology laboratory as a means of teaching biodiversity. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching - Association for Biology Laboratory Education. LINK
- MicrobeLibrary Images. Peer-Reviewed images from students who have taken Biology 270: Microbiology (Nursing/Allied Health). LINK
Publications (Listeria Research):
- American Society of Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE) 2024 Conference (November, 2024). Forster, B.M., P. Fratamico, S. Lettini, J. Lilliendahl, D. McArdle, L.A. Miller, R. Rivard and B.B. McHale. Learning About Microbes:
A lab manual for teaching microbiology to middle and high school students. (POSTER SESSION) - Association for Biology Laboratory Education 2021 Conference (June, 2021). Shea, A., M.D. Nelson, L. D'Angelo, G. Mikalonis and B.M. Forster. Development of a classroom size nephron model and urinalysis experiment. (MINI-WORKSHOP LABORATORY EXERCISE LESSON).
- Association for Biology Laboratory Education 2021 Conference (June, 2021). Lomino, J. and B.M. Forster. Development of an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Lesson Focusing on the Usage and Benefits of Rain Gardens. (MAJOR WORKSHOP LABORATORY EXERCISE LESSON).
- Presentation by the American Society of Microbiology Eastern PA Branch Education Committee (January 2020). Forster, B.M., C. Keler, P. Fratamico, L. Miller and R. Sheridan. How to Judge a Science Fair (WEBINAR).
- Penn State Abington STEM-Math Options for Girls (August 2019). Forster, B.M. Identifying Bacteria with Graphing (LAB PRESENTATION).
- Saint Joseph's University Celebration of Student Achievement (CSA, May 2019). Lomino, J., J. Fingerut, C.R. Violin and B.M. Forster. Development of an Inquiry Based Science Lab Focusing on the Usage and Benefits of Rain Gardens. (POSTER PRESENTATION)
- 2nd Annual Teacher Resource Forum - Philadelphia School District Professional Development @ Abraham Lincoln High School. (October, 2018). Forster, B.M and C. Johnson. Examining a World Unseen!…Laboratory lessons using the Celestron Microscope (with Camera) (LECTURE & LAB PRESENTATION).
- 2nd Annual Teacher Resource Forum - Philadelphia School District Professional Development @ Abraham Lincoln High School. (October, 2018). Nguyen, O., D. Lowing, A. Evangelopolous and B.M. Forster. SJUGEPScience YouTube Channel Table Presentation. (TABLE PRESENTATION)
- American Society of Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE) 2018 Conference (July, 2018). Forster, B.M. Telling the Same Story Differently…Engaging Non-Science Majors taking a laboratory-based science class. (CONCURRENT EDUCATION SESSION)
- American Society of Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE) 2018 Conference (July, 2018). Norman-McKay, L., A. Rediske and B.M. Forster. Microbiology in Nursing & Allied Health (MINAH): Curriculum Guidelines, Toolkit & Next Steps. (CONCURRENT EDUCATION SESSION)
- American Society of Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE) 2017 Conference (July, 2017). Forster, B.M. and A. Rediske. Preliminary ASM Guidelines and Toolkit Supporting Microbiology in the Nursing Curriculum. (CONCURRENT EDUCATION SESSION)
- American Society of Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE) 2017 Conference (July, 2017). Forster, B.M. and H. Basta. How to Integrate Quantitative Skills into a Microbiology Laboratory. (PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP)
- Microbiology Educators Network Research Symposium (Saint Joseph's University, July 2017). Shea, A., C. Violin, D. Zabielski and B.M. Forster. Development and assessment of a water quality lab activity for non-science majors utilizing a wetlands water filter. (POSTER PRESENTATION)
- Microbiology Educators Network Pedagogical Meeting (West Chester University, June 2017). Forster, B.M. Telling the Same Story Differently…Engaging Non-Science Majors taking a laboratory-based science class. (LECTURE PRESENTATION)
- Saint Joseph's University Celebration of Student Achievement (CSA, May 2017). Shea, A., M. Nelson, C. Violin, L. D'Angelo, J., Fingerut and B.M. Forster. Development of Inquiry Based Lab Protocols Involving Water Quality and Filtration by the Nephron in the Kidney. (POSTER PRESENTATION)
- American Society of Microbiology M(icro)OOCS; Improving Microbiology Students' Quantitative Skills Webinar Series (October 2016). Forster, B.M. Session #2: Teaching Math in Lab (#TMIL), the next #TBT. (WEBINAR PRESENTATION)
- American Society of Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE) 2016 Conference (July, 2016). Forster, B.M., C. Arango Pinedo, J. Fingerut, C. Fritz, J. Huxster, C. Violin. Integration of graphing activities in non-science major environmental science and nursing microbiology lab courses. (POSTER PRESENTATION)
- Association for Biology Laboratory Education 2016 Conference (June, 2016). Forster, B.M., E. Bilyk, S.A. Moss, J.K. Huxster. Developing collaborative lab experiments across disciplines through the identification of bacteria. (MAJOR-WORKSHOP LABORATORY EXERCISE LESSON) -LINK TO PPT NOTES
- Fritz, C., B.M. Forster, K. Snetselaar, and C. King Smith. 2015. Beyond Collaboration: Strengthening a life science community of practice for science education by bringing cell biology to high school students. Molecular Biology of the Cell 26, page 556, Abstract # 811. (POSTER RESENTATION)
- 4th Annual St. Joseph’s University Teaching & Learning Forum (June, 2015). Forster, B.M. Telling the Same Story Differently...Best Practices for Teaching a Non-Majors Course. (WORKSHOP PRESENTATION) (similar presentation also given to College of Staten Island Teacher's Academy Fieldwork Seminar Series - May, 2015)
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2015 Annual Meeting: Science Outreach and UAN Activity Poster Session (March, 2015). Fritz, C., E. Li, B.M. Forster, M. Jurkiewicz, and K. Snetselaar. Beyond Collaboration: Building a Life Science Community of Practice for Science Education. (POSTER & ORAL PRESENTATION)
- Association for Biology Laboratory Education 2014 Conference (June, 2014). Forster, B.M., C.M. Baker, D. El-Naccache, C.J. Springer. Construction of phylogenetic trees in a non-majors biology laboratory as a means of teaching biodiversity. (MINI-WORKSHOP LABORATORY EXERCISE LESSON)
- 114th American Society of Microbiology General Meeting (May, 2014). Ramirez, J, C. Arango Pinedo and B.M. Forster. Building Bridges: Using Winogradsky Columns to promote the Collaborative Nature of Science between Science Majors and Non-Majors (POSTER PRESENTATION)
- Microbiology Educators Network Research Symposium (Swarthmore College, June 2013). Silvestri, M., C. Arango Pinedo and B.M. Forster. Identification of Winogradsky Column Bacteria by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. (POSTER PRESENTATION)
- Life-Discovery – Doing Science. Exploring Biology for a changing world (March, 2013). Forster, B.M. and C. Arango Pinedo. Identification of microorganisms enriched from Winogradsky Columns. (LABORATORY EXERCISE PRESENTATION to high school and college teachers)
Outreach Projects:
- High School L.I.N.K.S. Developed by Edwin Li, Brian Forster, Christina King Smith, Caitlin Fritz Matthew Jurkiewicz, Christina Johnson and Molly Southwell, this program trains undergraduate fellows to develop and teach cell biology, genetics and biodiversity to high school students.
- Field-Trips. Our lab offers several field trip activities:
- SJU Biology Department's GeoKids L.I.N.K.S. - 5th Grade Field Trip on photosynthesis
- SJU Biology Department's Service Learning - 3rd Grade Field Trip on Woodlands Ecology
- Christina Seix Academy - 4th Grade Field Trip on Fungi & Bacteria ; Summer Camp on Phases of Matter & Biodiversity
- SJU Kinney Center Summer Program - "Science makes the invisible become visible" activities
- Science Fair Judging. Dr. Forster and graduate teaching assistants participate in the following science fairs as category judges:
Technology Presentations:
- 3rd Annual St. Joseph’s University Teaching & Learning Forum (June, 2014). Forster, B.M. Collaborative Technology & Instructional Videos in the Science Teaching Laboratory.
- Our web-based multi-camera collaborations initiative (funded through Saint Joseph's University Technology Innovation Fund {2013-2014}) was featured in an open presentation session in April 2014.
- 2017 Faculty Merit Award for Teaching Recipient
- Ramirez, J., C. Arango Pinedo and B.M. Forster. 2016. Exemplary Contribution to the Curriculum Section of the Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. Spotlighted at the American Society of Microbiology’s Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE).
- 2014 #topprofsju Award Winner
- Terry, E. 2019. Calculus: Crossing the Bridge to Success in STEM. Mathematical Association of America (MAA, Tensor Foundation). Personnel: J. Cerda, PhD., J. Dessus, Ph.D., B.M. Forster, Ph.D.
- King Smith, C., B.M. Forster, C. Fritz. 2014. Bringing Cell Biology to High School Students. The American Society for Cell Biology.
- Forster, B.M. 2014. Development of a collaborative-based laboratory exercise investigating bacterial load in water samples. Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE) Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant.
- Li, E., B.M. Forster, C. Fritz, M. Jurkiewicz. 2013. Genes, Mutations, and Diseases: understanding the origins of genetic disorders through experimental learning. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
- Forster, B.M. 2013. Integration of laboratory video tutorials and webcams for students completing their GEP Natural Sciences requirement through a laboratory-based class. Saint Joseph’s University Technology Innovation Grant.