Aimee L. Terosky, EdD
Associate Dean of the School of Education and Human Development and Professor of Educational Leadership, Counseling and Social Work

Dr. Aimee LaPointe Terosky is Associate Dean of the School of Education and Human Development, Professor of Educational Leadership, and former director of the Interdisciplinary Doctor of Education Program for Educational Leaders. Prior to her arriving at Saint Joseph's in January 2011, Dr. Terosky was an adjunct assistant professor of higher and postsecondary education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she taught courses on teaching and learning and faculty development in postsecondary education settings. From 2006-2011, she also served as the assistant principal of Public School #334, The Anderson School in New York City, which received the 2007 New York City Blackboard Award for Outstanding Public Middle School.
Dr. Terosky received her B.S. in secondary education (social studies) from The Pennsylvania State University, her M.A. in school leadership from Villanova University, and her Ed.D. in higher and postsecondary education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her dissertation, Taking teaching seriously: A study of professors and their undergraduate teaching, won the 2005 Bobby Wright Dissertation of the Year from the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), which is considered the highest dissertation honor in the field of higher education. Dr. Terosky holds the following certificates: Administrative I Principal K-12 (Pennsylvania and New York) and Instructional II Social Studies 7-12 (Pennsylvania and New York).
- (June 2023 - current): Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, Associate Dean of the School of Education and Human Development
- (August 2019 - May 2023) Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, Director of the Interdisciplinary Doctor of Education Program for Educational Leaders (IDEPEL)
- (August 2021 - current) Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, Professor of Educational Leadership
- (August 2017 - August 2021) Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
- (January 2011 – August 2017) Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership
- (July 2006 – June 2011) Public School #334, The Anderson School, New York, NY, Assistant Principal
- (July 2006 – August 2010) Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Program in Higher and Postsecondary Education
- (June 2005 – July 2006) Columbia University Center for New Media Teaching and Learning, New York, NY, Post-doctorate Researcher/Affiliate Professor of Higher and Postsecondary Education
- (October 2004 – May 2006) The Center for Teaching Excellence at New York University, New York, NY, Consultant
- (September 2004 – November 2004) The United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY, Project member – Office of the Special Advisor on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women
- (January 2002 – December 2004) Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, Teaching Assistant
- (August 2001 – May 2005) Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, Student Affairs Assistant
- (August 2001 – May 2005) Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, Graduate Research Assistant
- (August 2001) Teachers College Cultural Teacher Exchange, China, Teacher Exchange Participant
- (December 1995 – July 2000) Milford Middle School, Quakertown, PA, Social Studies Teacher
Journal Articles (Refereed)
- Baker, V. L., Apps, H., Terosky, A. L. & Parker, R. (2023). Setting an agenda: The role of community-engaged scholarship and practice in liberal arts colleges. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice, 6(1):7, pp. 1–8.DOI:
- Terosky, A.L., Barr, C., & Lloyd, D. (2021, online). Joy-slog ratio: A case study of four urban principals’ perspectives on their vitality. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
- Heasley, C., & Terosky, A.L. (2020). Grappling with complexity: Faculty perspectives on the influence of community engaged teaching on student learning. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 24(2), 19-35.
- Gonzales, L.D., & Terosky, A.L. (2019). On their own terms: Women’s pathways into and through academe. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.
- Terosky, A.L. (2019). Wings of an actor: The role of relationships in women scholars' intellectual trajectories. The Review of Higher Education.
- Terosky, A.L. (2018, September). Reciprocity and scholarly connections: Faculty perspectives about the role of community engaged work in their career vitality. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.
- Terosky, A.L. (2018). Views of students and teaching practices: Perspectives of faculty employed at open/broad access institutions. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, 29(1), 49-74.
- Gonzales, L. & Terosky, A.L. (2016, online). Colleagueship in Different Types of Post-Secondary Institutions: A Lever for Faculty Vitality. Studies in Higher Education, 43(8), 1378-1391. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2016.1255938
- Terosky, A.L. (2016). Enacting instructional leadership: Perspectives and actions of public K-12 principals. School Leadership and Management. DOI: 10.1080/13632434.2016.1247044.
- Gonzales, L.D. & Terosky, A.L. (2016, May). From the faculty perspective: Defining, earning, and maintaining legitimacy across academia. Teachers College Record, 18(6). Retrieved from ID Number 20805.
- Terosky, A.L. & Reitano, M. (2016, April). Putting followers first: The role of servant leadership in cases of urban, public school principals. Journal of School Leadership, 26(3), 192-222.
- Terosky, A.L., & Gonzales, L. (2016, Winter). Re-envisioned contributions: Experiences of faculty employed at institutional types that differ from their original aspirations. The Review of Higher Education, 39(2), 241-268.
- Terosky, A.L. & Gonzales, L. (2015). Scholarly learning as vocation: A study of community and broad access liberal arts college faculty. Innovative Higher Education, 41(2), 105-120. DOI: 10.1007/s10755-015-9341-8.
- Terosky, A., & Heasley, C. (2014). Supporting online faculty through a sense of community and collegiality. Online Learning: Official Journal Of The Online Learning Consortium, 19(3). Retrieved from
- Terosky, A.L., O’Meara, K., & Campbell, C.M. (2014). Enabling possibility: Women associate professors' sense of agency in career advancement. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 7(1), 58-76.
- Terosky, A.L. (2014; 2013 online). From a managerial imperative to a learning imperative: Experiences of urban, public school principals. Educational Administration Quarterly, 50(1), 3-33.
- Terosky, A.L. & Leung, S.K. (2012, Winter). A case of responsibility: Preparing community-minded school leaders. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 6(4).
- Terosky, A.L., Wang, A., Berenato, C. & Rodrigues, E. (2012, Spring-Summer). Sitting in the director’s chair: One university’s response to media representations of education. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 6(1-2), 51-64.
- Terosky, A.L. (2010). How do they do it? Career strategies of professors noted for taking teaching seriously. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching 21(1), 121-145.
- Neumann, A. & Terosky, A.L. (2007 May/June). To give and to receive: Recently tenured professors’ experiences of service in major research universities. Journal of Higher Education, 78(3), 282-310.
Journal Articles (Editorially Reviewed)
- Terosky, A.L. & O’Meara, K (2011, Summer/Fall). Assuming agency: The power of strategy and networks in the professional lives of faculty. Liberal Education, 97(3/4), 54-59.
- O’Meara, K. & Terosky,A.L. (2010, November/December). Engendering faculty professional growth. Change, 42(6), 44-51.
Online News Articles (Editorially Reviewed)
- Terosky, A.L., & Baker, V.L. (2022). Leading with yes. Inside Higher Ed.
- Terosky, A.L. (2017, June). Shaping academic and research careers: Ten strategies. Inside Higher Ed.
- Terosky, A.L. (2014). Learning from other academics: Three career management strategies Inside Higher Ed.
- Baker, V., Terosky, A.L., & Lunsford, L.G. (2024). A toolkit for mid-career academics: Cultivating career advancement. Routledge.
- Terosky, A.L., Baker, V., & Sun, J. (2023). A practical guide to teaching research methods in education: Lesson plans and advice from faculty. Routledge.
- Baker, V.L. & Terosky, A.L. (2021). Bridging the research-practice nexus: Resources, tools, and strategies to navigate mid-career in the academy. New Directions for Higher Education
- Baker, V.L., Lunsford, L.G., Neisler, G., Pifer, M.J., & Terosky, A.L. (2018). Success after tenure: Supporting mid-career faculty. Stylus.
- Baker, V.L., Terosky, A.L., & Martinez, E. (2017). Faculty members’ scholarly learning across institutional types. Association for the Study of Higher Education’s Monograph Series. Jossey-Bass.
- O’Meara, K., Terosky, A. L., and Neumann, A. (2008). Faculty careers and work lives: A professional growth perspective. ASHE Higher Education Report, no. 34(3). Jossey-Bass.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Terosky, A.L., & Footman, L. (2023). Safeguarding space: Elevating time for priorities in the post-tenure context. In Baker, et al., (Eds.), A toolkit for mid-career academics: Cultivating career advancement. Routledge.
- Terosky, A. L., & Baker, V. L. (2022). Sustainable. Purposeful. Thriving: Critical hope for mid-career research and practice. New Directions for Higher Education, 1–7.
- Terosky, A.L. (2020). Teaching and learning: Organization, U.S. In M.J. Amey & M.E. David
- (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education, 5v (pp. 1504-1506). SAGE Publications, Inc
- Baker, V., Gonzales, L.D., & Terosky, A.L. (2020). Strategies for early career success across institutional types: The role of mentoring. In Irby, B., Boswell, J.N., Searby, L.J., Kochan, F., Garza, R., & Abdelrahman, N. (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell international handbook of mentoring: Paradigms, practices, programs, and possibilities (pp. 223-241). Wiley-Blackwell. (Authors listed in alphabetical order with equal contributions to the book chapter)
- Baker, V. & Terosky, A.L. (2017). Early career faculty mentoring: Career cycles, learning & support. In D. A. Clutterbuck, F. K. Kochan, L. G. Lunsford, B. Smith, N. Dominguez, & J. Haddock-Millar (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Mentoring (pp. 421-435). SAGE Publications.
- Gonzales, L.D. & Terosky, A.L. (2016). Distinctive aspirations and inclinations among emerging and early career faculty: Seeing the possibilities. In A. Kezar & D. Maxey (Eds.,), The faculty for the 21st century: Moving to a mission-oriented and learner centered faculty model. (pp. 192-203). Rutgers University Press.
- Terosky, A.L. (2013). Contributions of women leaders: Broadening understandings of leadership. In R. Palestini, Feminist theory and educational leadership: Much ado about something! Rowman & Littlefield Education.
- Terosky, A.L., Phifer, T., & Neumann, A. (2008). Shattering Plexiglas: Continuing challenges for women professors in research universities. In J. Glazer-Raymo (Ed.), Unfinished agendas: New and continuing gender challenges in higher education (pp. 52-79). Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Neumann, A., Terosky, A.L. & Schell, J. (2006). Agents of learning: Strategies for assuming agency, for learning, in tenured faculty careers. In S.J. Bracken, J.K. Allen, & D.R. Dean (Eds.), The balancing act: Gendered perspectives in faculty roles and worklives (p. 91-120). Stylus Publishing.
Chapters in Handbooks
- Terosky, A.L., & Conway, K. (2020; online December 2019). Learning to change: An examination of the literature on teaching improvement through a faculty-centered lens. In L.W. Perna (Ed.), Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Practice, (pp. 1-50). Springer Publishers.
- Terosky, A.L. (2020). Teaching and learning: Organisation. In M.J. Amey & M.E. David (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education, 5v. (pp. 1504-1506). SAGE Publications.
Media Appearances
- Terosky, A.L. (2022, October). Teacher Shortage in PA Impacting Students and Educators: What Can Be Done?
- Terosky, A.L. (2022, August). Getting Back on Track Academically This Year
- Terosky, A.L. (2022, August). Tips for adjusting to middle school. WFSB (CBS Affiliate in Hartford, CT). Link: Tips for adjusting to middle school.
- Terosky, A.L. (2022, May). Guest panelist on Community K-12 School-University Partnerships. WURD Progressive Black Radio.
- Alpha Sigma Nu, Jesuit Honor Society 2024-present
- Tengelmann Award for Distinguished Research and Teaching 2023
- Fr. Ed Brady, SJ Award 2022
- Michael J. Morris Grant for Scholarly Research (2020-2021)
- Saint Joseph’s University Justice Award 2019
- Michael J. Morris Grant for Scholarly Research (2018-2019)
- Saint Joseph's University Research Merit Award (2017-2018)
- Saint Joseph's University Teaching Merit Award (2016-2017)
- Cadre and Faculty Development Course: Pilot, Funded by U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (2015-2016)
- Michael J. Morris Grant for Scholarly Research (2015-2016)
- Academic Technology & Distributed Learning Technology Innovation Award (2013-2014)
- Saint Joseph's University Summer Research Grant (2012, 2017)
- Educational Policy and Leadership Center (EPLC) Fellowship (2011-2012)
- New York City Blackboard Awards: Outstanding Public Middle School (2007-08)
- Association for the Study of Higher Education, Dissertation of the Year (2005)
- AAHE K. Patricia Cross Future Leader of Higher Education Award (2005)
- Teachers College Dean’s Grant for Student Research (2004-05)
- Spencer Foundation Research Training Grant (2003-04)
- Teachers College Academic Scholarship (2001-05)
- Penn State Alumni Association: John Black Alumni Ambassador Award (2004)
Dr. Terosky's research focuses on K-12 and higher education settings with a concentration on teaching, learning, career management, faculty development, instructional leadership, and educational or professional experiences of girls/women.